Tuesday 30 November 2010

Questionnaire and Feedback

Basically, this is the questionnaire I gave out to 30 young people, between the ages of around 12 and 25, to see who would be most interested in my magazine, and to give me an idea of what my target audience would be interested in. Though my target audience is females from 15-21, I also wanted to offer my questionnaire to people outside of those margins, to see if anyone else would be interested in the magazine.

Are you male or female?

Male                                      Female

How old are you?

11-16                     17-21                     21+

How often do you buy a music magazine?

Daily                      Weekly                Monthly               Never                  

Other (please specify) ____________________________

How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?

£1.89 - £3.10                       £3.10 - £4.50                       £4.50+

What sort of music do you enjoy most?

Pop                        Indie                     Rock                      Hip Hop/R&B

Other (please specify) ____________________________

Which feature do you enjoy most about a music magazine?

Pullouts               Free stuff            New Bands         Tour Dates          Articles                Quizzes

Editors Section Other (please specify) ____________________________

Which do you think is the most important feature on the front cover of a magazine?

Colour Scheme             Artist                Images                     Headlines                           Free Stuff/Offers

Other (please specify) ____________________________

Would you be interested in an Indie music magazine focused mainly on young women?

Yes                     No

I received varying results from my questionnaire, and asked some of my respondents (the ones who best fitted my target audience) to supply me with some feedback on what they would want from a female orientated music magazine.

The majority of the people asked said that they prefered a weekly magazine to a daily or monthly issue; this was because they felt that this would allow the magazine to be up-to-date (which is difficult to achieve with a monthly magazine) but not struggling for new ideas (which would inevitably happen with a daily magazine, as it is very unlikely for breaking news to happen daily in this genre of the music industry). When respondents came to the question about the price, 24 of them said they were willing to pay £1.89-£3.10 but of these 24, twelve of them said they would be willing to pay a higher price if the magazine was of a high quality.

The overall outcome of the genre question confirmed that an Indie magazine - with 20 of the 30 respondents choosing it - would be the best choice for my target audience, and I was pleased with this result. The respondents seemed to find that articles about new bands were the most interesting aspects of a magazine, however, several of the people asked also said that they would enjoy the magazine if it offered album reviews for artists in this genre, as it would provide them with opinions to consider when looking for something new to listen to.
Generally, the thing my respondents found to be the most important on a front cover was the images, as they are the first thing you really see when glancing at magazines in a shop; one respondent commented "images of well-know artists could draw in a crowd". If you have a bad picture, people would likely be discouraged from purchasing your product.
The last question, about whether the respondents would be interested in a magazine aimed at women, had a predictable outcome: the 7 males that I asked (so that I could get varying feedback) said they would not be interested, and all but three of the females asked said that they would be interested.

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