Thursday 2 December 2010

Magazine Front Cover (first draft)

Initially, this was the design I would use for my magazine front cover, though after receiving negative comments and constructive criticism I decided to change the design to something my audience prefered.

I had chosen, to begin with, to use purple for the mast head, but respondents I asked though that this looked "too plain" and "unappealing" as it is the same colour as the band title. Respondents did like the image used, but disliked the grey background colour - they found it boring and "sexless" and believed a girlier colour would be more appropriate.
The colour scheme was unpopular with my target audience as they felt that it was too feminine, and could connote childishness through excessive use of baby pink and purple. Some respondents also suggested that the text was hard to read.

After hearing these comments I chose to rethink my design, and thus I started the project again.

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