Monday 28 February 2011

Initial Script Ideas

Start with interviewer (a woman) walking through busy street(?) – realism.

Interviewer: Speaking facts and figures (number of teenage pregnancies in UK this year, the government’s plan to halve the rate by 2010, age brackets with most pregnancies)

Cutaway of the exterior of a house

Shot moves into location 1 (Home of TP)

TP: Explain what feelings are toward pregnancy, how you felt when you found out you were pregnant; shock; fear (telling parents/father/friends); excitement; worry (loss of freedom, missing out on education, etc); anticipation (for baby).

Interviewer: Ask how TP’s parents/father of baby reacted when she gave the news.

TP: Parents – shock, anger (at first), support (as pregnancy progressed). Father of baby – disbelief, worry (reputation/telling own parents), guilt (getting her pregnant in first place), then acceptance (wants to be part of baby’s life)

Cutaway of contraceptives, etc (pregnancy test on table?) and then hands holding (or maybe feet at the end of a bed to symbolise sex/relationships) – text over the top of images with quotes about Sex Education (not enough time given to it in schools – which would then bring us to next speaker [teacher])

Shot now in teacher’s office – Sexual Education teacher or school nurse

Interviewer: How do you feel about the amount of time given to sexual education in this school? Do you think that it is working or successful? What do you think about government plans to begin teaching Sex Ed to young children?

Teacher/Nurse: More time needed in school – though cannot force teens to use contraceptives. Thinks more time is needed for Sex Ed in schools – hardly any time given currently (students brush it off as ineffective or a ‘doss’ lesson). Approves of plan to begin Sex Ed at a young age – will raise awareness for children and teens about the implications of sex, what can happen if you’re not S.A.F.E and how to say ‘NO’ if you’re not ready.

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