Monday 28 February 2011

Principal Positions and Perspectives

Supportive parent or sibling of the expecting teen:
  • FOR the pregnancy
  • It is the young person’s own decision – they will make their own mistakes
  • Cannot make someone not have sex/give up their child
  • May have been a teenage parent themselves – respects teen’s decision to face up to what they’ve done
  • Prepared to offer support and help, positive toward pregnancy (grandchild)

Negative parent of expecting teen:
  • Sex Ed should’ve been taught better in the school
  • Thinks it is a stupid mistake
  • Jeopardises education – teen will struggle continuing in education if she decides to at all (if doesn’t go back into education, may limit job opportunities as less qualifications – if any)
  • Teen isn’t prepared – parent doesn’t want to have to be the one to look after the child when the teen can’t cope (it’s their responsibility)
  • Teenager will miss out on life and youth – won’t be able to go out as much once they have the child, and they may not realise that
  • Doesn’t want child to become ‘another statistic’

Sexual Education teacher:
  • Disapproves of pregnancies in teens, but will not pass judgement – their own decision?
  • Should’ve used contraception – it is offered to them from schools, GP’s etc.
  • Perhaps the teacher themselves does not believe enough time is given to Sex Ed in schools – not enough awareness
  • Thinks that more effort should be put in by government (i.e. more campaigns) to raise awareness among young people as to what can happen if you have sex when you’re not ready or unprepared
  • Thinks that the ‘legal consenting age’ isn’t very affective – has known very young people to ask for contraceptives, perhaps – something needs to be done about it.
  • Not so much disapproval of the pregnancy itself (though doesn’t believe it’s healthy to have a child at a young age) but more-so disapproves of the way in which sex is portrayed in the media (i.e. young people having sex ‘willy-nilly’ on television)

  • NEITHER – has seen good and bad outcomes
  • Believes that if the parent is willing to look after the child, then there shouldn’t be too many problems
  • Has some concerns about financial stability of young parents, however – will they be able to afford to look after the child
  • Personally believes that it is always best to wait until you’re certain you’re ready – has seen some teenage mothers who turn out to be better parents than aged ones (it all depends on your circumstances and your initial attitude toward the pregnancy)
  • Doesn’t believe in abortion – there will always be someone out there who will be prepared to look after the child – pregnancy is a miracle? All the women out there who cannot have children would be grateful for the child.

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