Monday 28 February 2011

List of Possible Cutaways

  • A busy street – people passing by, maybe teen parents in shot

  • Holding hands – symbolic of sex and relationships (or perhaps to convey emotion, i.e. supportive parents?)

  • A home – as my documentary aims to challenge the ‘unstable’ stereotype of teenage mothers, perhaps a shot of a stable-looking environment would go toward expressing my view

  • Teenage girls/boys grouped in conversation? – could be shown with statistics like ‘1 in 5’ (could be any of them?) Or, on the flipside it could be used to show how young these people are still – are they really ready to give up their childhood to care for one of their own?

  • Maybe a school – represents education and learning, something which (if argued for the ‘negative’ side) could show what the teen parents will be missing out on – for example, GCSE’s or A-Levels. HOWEVER, the school could perhaps be used when there is mention of how many teenage parents go back into education after having a child

  • A hospital/clinic – obviously to represent the birth, or perhaps could also be used with abortion figures?

  • Contraceptives – used with negative side of argument (as a documentary should convey both sides of a story) or could possibly be used with figures for number of people who get pregnant using condoms? (they aren’t 100% safe)

  • School could also be used with brief mention of Sexual Education – when I looked at discussion boards and news articles on the subject, many people complained that Sex Ed was either not thorough enough, or not given enough school time

  • Feet at the end of a bed – as with hands, this could represent people being sexually active and relationships, which is very relevant to the topic

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