16 and Pregnant is an American reality TV show aired on the network MTV, and is filmed in a documentary style. The series follows the lives of high school girls dealing with issues such as religion, rebellion, and gossip amongst peers whilst facing an upward struggle into motherhood. Each episode follows the story of one girl from between 4 to 8 months into their pregnancy, up until a few months after giving birth. The series also deals with relationships with friends, partners (if they have one) and family.
Teen Mom is a spin-off series which follows the lives of four of the original teenagers featured in 16 and Pregnant: Maci Bookout, Farrah Abraham, Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell. Again, this is a reality TV show disguised as a documentary. The show looks at how the new mothers struggle through the first year of motherhood, following up on family life and, particularly, they way each of their relationships has been strained by dealing with a newborn child.
Cherry Has A Baby
This is a documentary which focuses on the life of Kizzy Neal, a girl who became pregnant at the age of 13. The documentary follows Kizzy through her pregnancy and the first six months after the birth, showing how she copes with gossip from peers, her family and, among other things, the absent father of the child, who moved homes after discovering she was pregnant. The programme has a more serious approach than the above documentaries, and is featured in the "Born Survivors" series.
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