Friday, 25 March 2011


So,  here's a look at the advert and a brief summary of what I did.

The feedback I got from my initial design was very positive and very little changes were made to it in order to form the final product.The changes were:
  1. Picture was originally in black and white - respondents liked the photo but thought bright colours would be more modern and represent the vibrance of teenage life better
  2. Title was at the top - audience didn't like this, they felt it distracted from the statistic
  3. Different quote was used on the back of the teenager - it said "But is it right to stereotype?" originally, and whilst some liked this, others believed I should use something more shocking which linked in with the fact you can't see the face of the girl
  4. Statistic and title had no effects used on them - the audience felt that these looked flat and wanted something which 'jumped out'.

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