Friday 25 March 2011

Print Development


  • NOTE: at this point I was drafting ideas and had not yet decided on a main image for the page


  • Here I almost completely redid Idea One and gave the audience both ideas to look at
  • I asked the audience to choose which they preferred - though Idea Two was popular, they thought it looked too much like something from a Girl Talk magazine

  • I basically used the same colours as the text box from my first idea on this draft
  • Still hadn't picked a main image I liked (had some people from my target audience vote on which they liked best at a later stage)
  • This idea was more popular with my audience, so I chose this to be my template

  • Made very few changes between Idea Three and the final product
  • Slight alterations were made to the text box and I added another picture
  • Final image decided upon - originally I would've placed it only on the right of the page, but some people suggested a full page image would be more preferrable
  • The use of similar - yet contrasting - images of the two pregnant girls was favoured by my audience, but some disliked that I hadn't used a picture of a teen dad on the page

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